Unnecessary Inventions

I revolutionized garden hose technology.

Inventing solutions to solve your unnecessary problems

I invented a candy dispensing iPhone Case (iPhone 13 Pro Max!)

I've invented literally everything.

This DIY desk flips over and turns into something completely UNNECESSARY!

Let's build an Unnecessary Workstation!

I built a GIANT AirPod (it works!)

Artificial Intelligence Told Me To Invent This Product (ChatGPT + DALL-E)

This NYC Store Started Selling My Invention

Making the first ever pair of CROCS GLOVES

Why did I build this Swiss Army Keyboard?!

Why did I build this SUPER tall keyboard?!

how I eat ramen when I'm on the GO!

This button can publish your YouTube videos for you.

I Built an iPhone Case That Tracks Your Screen Time

Eat Sushi with this Apple AirPod Chopsticks Accessory

If anyone does THIS...my smart Confetti Cannon goes off!

Why did I build this SUPER tall mouse?!

this invention makes getting out of bed so much easier.

This invention helps you not get too drunk

Testing Counterfeit Versions Of My Inventions (Part 3)

I built the World's SMALLEST Roller Suitcase! (Micro Luggage Max)

My invention makes Zoom meetings 1000% better (The ZoomBorg)

Why hasn't Apple invented this yet?!